
Breast Asymmetry Correction


This 41-year-old woman came to Marina Plastic Surgery Associates unhappy with extra axillary breast tissue underneath her arms. The tissue unnaturally protruded from her sides, making her feel uncomfortable when wearing any sleeveless tops or bathing suits. Wanting to feel more comfortable with the way she looked, she began researching plastic surgery in Los Angeles to see what her options were.

When her surgeon examined the excess breast tissue, he recommended that they adapt a surgery to correct it. Technically, he would be correcting the symmetry of her breasts, but he would have to consider the unique concerns to modify the procedure to her needs. Using an incision under the arm, he would remove the fat and tissue as well as the excess skin to smooth the look of her chest.

After her surgery for breast enhancement in Los Angeles was completed, she was thrilled with the new look of her sides. The tissue was gone, leaving her with a more normal-looking appearance. Now, she feels doesn’t feel as limited in her clothing; she can wear any top she wants without the worry of uncomfortable bulges showing.

Breast Asymmetry Correction
Breast Asymmetry Correction
Breast Asymmetry Correction
Breast Asymmetry Correction